Hello! Welcome to the Toby Center! We are here to help all parties when parents separate.
Introduction to The Toby Center
Moms, Dads, Children, Counsel, Guardian Ad Litems, Judges, Case Managers.
First, know that the Toby Center is neutral. Our only alliance is with the best interests of the child.
We can help all in moving in that direction with more understanding, more clarity.
The challenge for the attorneys is to best represent their client, even if the client objects to supervised time sharing that is court ordered. As a GAL, either in a private case or with an agency, we can help advise you of the fundamental family research which may be helpful in your litigation.
We want to work with each client who is a parent. As a parent, as most parents, we wish only for good things for our children. In order for children to achieve their best outcomes, children need access and time with both parents. Not one, but both.
This is what the research says.
Research shows us that court orders for custody may positively affect or negatively impact a family for up to six generations. That’s 125 years.
Would we all want to work together to help preserve family ties when parents separate?
In my 10 years since founding the Toby Center for Family Transitions, and during the 20 years I have worked in the field, I have found that children whose parents have legal counsel have the best outcomes when the attorneys can focus on what is the best interest of the child. Not necessarily what may be the what the client feels is best for themselves.
Let us help you achieve that.
In the words of a wise counsel often repeated to me, “don’t look backwards, life doesn’t go that way.” That was the wisdom of a man who survived the Great Depression, and WWII battlefields. That was my father.
Please advise your clients that they will do best when they can similarly look to the future. If they have emotional difficulties, have them join a support group! Refer them to therapy! Help them visualize their future, both with their children, and as adults on their unique journey.
The Toby Center was designed to provide many of the tools for child visitation and reunification. Our experienced staff are available to help your clients in numerous ways. We can even help you in your practice of law with guidance we’ve learned from attorneys successful in their litigation to preserve child outcomes when parents separate.
Thank you for visiting the Toby Center! We look forward to helping you understand the child custody options which may yet confound you, and which may provide novel opportunities for you in the courtroom.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter! We’ll keep you informed of the latest research, news an events from the Toby Center!
Contact us with questions at any time!
If your community may benefit from a Toby Center program, please contact us. Reach out to us at info@thetobycenter.org or call me directly at 561-265-5400.
Thank you so much!
Dr. Mark Roseman, CEO
CLE (Continuing Legal Education) course of Dec. 22, 2022

Parent Legal Coaching Group - NEW!
This is a support group led by a Family Law Attorney, who specializes in Parental Alienation. It has been started as a resource and collaboration to help alienated parents navigate the Court System, understand how to collect evidence, understand how to interpret statutes, case law, and your rights.
Furthermore, it is also offered as a resource to communicate and share ideas with other parents facing the same problem of being alienated from their children.