FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Supervised Visitation utilizes a third party system for compliance and reporting to the respective Court and Child Welfare Agencies seeking these services.

What type of SVN does The Toby Center provide client families?

The Toby Center provides supportive visitation services.  Staff members do not merely sit and observe. We actively assist children who are fearful or withdrawn, and parents who are anxious during these very unnatural, monitored time sharing.  Our goal is that of the Court; to bridge the vacuum or space between the child and their noncustodial parent and foster a trusting and loving relationship.

Supervised visitation is the third party monitored time sharing.  At all times, the custodial parent must vacate the premises. 

No matter where the visitation is held, only the non-custodial parent and or other court approved party may remain during the visitation.

There are strict protocols for visitation. The presence of a custodial parent is not permitted.  This interferes with the goals of the visitation process which is, to improve child outcomes and enhance the child’s relationship with the non-custodial parent.

Field Monitors are obligated to provide reports for use by the parties and the Courts for adjudging the value and process for the SVN.  Indeed, though Field Monitors are frequently subpoenaed to appear during litigation, it is not the Field Monitor who makes any determinations for continuing or modifying court orders.

Rather, it is the Field Report prepared by the assigned Field Monitor which best provides the descriptive information helpful to those judges, GAL’s and Case Managers on custody and access (visitation) determination.

The Toby Center welcomes the  feedback of all custodial and non-custodial parents.  They may contact our Field Monitor, Regional Coordinators, and Administration with questions, requests, and criticisms.   

If an attorney, you are welcome to also reach out. But only by email.  We do not discuss individual cases except in writing, and to all parties.  With more than 25 years in this field, know that we are committed to improving child outcomes. We also seek to improve the relationships between the custodial and noncustodial parent, for it is these who have the best interests of their children.

    • What is the purpose of court ordered SVN?
  • Our goal is that of the Court; to bridge the vacuum or space between the child and their noncustodial parent and foster a trusting and loving relationship.

  • Supportive SVN is to provide the opportunities for parents and children to reestablish a loving and trusting relationship, and to overcome the external pressures which may interfere with that objective.

    • What is Supervised Visitation (SVN)?
Supervised visitation is the third party monitored time sharing.  At all times, the custodial parent must vacate the premises. 
    • Must my visitations be in an office setting?

The Toby Center staff prides itself on accommodating all parties with locations that normalize the parent and child time together. Of course, all settings are based on the child’s needs, physical and mental capacity, and age. Talk with your Toby Center Family Monitor or Therapist about options best for you and your child! Chuckie Cheese, museums, parks, restaurants, zoos – these are among the frequently enjoyed locations for children, of all ages! Parents, too! Let us help you decide!

    • Do I need a court order to start visitation services?

No, a court order is not a necessity. However, there does need to be an agreement between the parents for time, frequency, financial responsibility and other considerations. We are here to help! Call us!

    • Can the Toby Center provide services on holidays?

Yes, we are happy to schedule your child visitations around holidays based on the availability and convenience of all parties.

    • Does the Toby Center provide services through zoom?

Yes, we are easily accessible for standard supervised visitation and also therapeutic visitation! All licensed therapists are restricted to their states where licensed and follow their state licensing policy.

    • Does the Toby Center provide evening visitations?

Yes, we work around the schedules of both parties and the family monitor facilitating the time sharing.

    • What is neutral child exchange?

A neutral location other than a police department which can provide a controlled and documented exchange of the children between parents, and or guardians. We are mindful when there may be No Contact Orders.

    • What is therapeutic visitation?

Therapeutic Visitation is a valuable opportunity where a therapist is the monitor for the time sharing. A therapist trained in the field is most valuable because they can provide empathy, redirection and guidance for present and future interaction. They also provide helpful parenting skills in a kind and well nuanced manner during the visit! Therapeutic visitation is offered with varying degrees of instruction and guidance. Ask us about our program!

    • What is Supervised Visitation?

Supervised Visitation is scheduled parenting time with your child that is facilitated by a third party. Most often court ordered when a parent is alleged to have been engaged in domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, or has been absent a long time from the home and the child’s life. This service works best when the third party is trained in the field, is compassionate, but vigilant, and provides objective records of the visitation encounters. Importantly, visitations can be anywhere!


Have more questions? Write Dr. Mark at mark.roseman@thetobycenter.org!