Court and Child Custody Related Resources

The Toby Center does not offer legal advice. Legal advice can only be provided by a licensed attorney in the state where the case is being heard. To know of current laws and appropriate forms, contact an attorney in your State. Visit the Clerk of the Courts in your Circuit.

This time of your life is the most significant for your children.  Social Science concludes that court determinations will impact a family up to 6 generations, or 150 years.  The agreements and decisions made now must be made with clarity, forethought, and compassion.  It is vital for courts to be reminded that parents in the ‘heat’ of argument is not the ideal time to make determinations; however, parents would do best to find therapy and support groups to help them adjust to these very challenging time.

Court Considerations:

  • Nearly 40% of parents represent themselves in family court. 
  • Many parents may not be readily familiar with mechanisms within the Court.   
  • Every Court has a Court Clerk’s office which can guide each party to the appropriate documentation and procedure they may need to know for their purposes in Court. 
  • Many courts provide a Self – Help office where litigants may schedule a short period of time with an attorney. 
  • Legal Representation is often best for obtaining satisfactory child custody and visitation outcomes.
  • Consulting with an attorney on an as needed basis is another option to hiring an attorney for the duration of the case matter
  • Mediation is not necessarily an alternative to court, but it is a most important procedure for both parents to determine their own future, and that of their children and family for years to come. A good mediator should facilitate, not order you towards joint decision making.  Mediators should be trained in consultative, mindful approaches. Some states Certify mediators and include attorneys, licensed therapists, social workers and family practitioners. 
  • As a litigant, it is you who can best choose the attorney to advise you, the mediator to facilitate joint decisions, and a (family) therapist to guide you emotionally.
  • As a parent, a Support Group offers you the opportunity to find a community of like minded parents and to be given skills for managing the current stress and creating the pathway for a healthy, and happier future.   


According to the State of Florida, “This form should be used when you are asking the court to change the current parental responsibility, visitation, and/or Parenting Plan/time-sharing schedule. A determination of parental responsibility, a Parenting Plan and a time-sharing schedule may not be modified without a showing of a substantial, material, and unanticipated change in circumstances and a determination that the modification is in the best interests of the child(ren).”

Do you find legal services to be unaffordable?  Out of your reach?

Here are several options: 

  1. Contact your Bar Association and ask to apply for a complimentary, Pro Bono legal representation.
  2. If you have low income, less than $30,000, contact your nearest Legal Aid to ask if they may assist you.
  3. A more affordable and reliable option can be found with Prepaid Legal Services.  If you have heard about Legal Shield, you can sign up for it now or read more about it here! 

When you sign up for less than $30 monthly, you receive complimentary legal services for your Will, and immediate discounts for many legal service needs including divorce and child custody.

Read more here!