
Many of you are represented by attorneys, most of you represent yourselves in custody litigation.

Regardless, you will be better equipped to secure the appropriate outcomes for your children when you have more education and information (and support). 

Please take time to visit the resources below, and return often to learn of new resources to help you in your efforts to maximize your time sharing and co-parenting relationships.

The Toby Center nor its staff members provide legal advice.  Importantly, you need to find those sources for legal assistance including counsel, Guardian Ad Litems, Attorneys for the Minor Children, court house law libraries and law school center programs.

Please let us know of recommendations and feedback by clicking here.

Want current information? 

Family Law Process – A Flow Chart – created by the FL-AFCC, Florida Association of Family and Conciliation Courts

Guide to Parenting Time – Prepared by the Minnesota Supreme Court Advisory Task Force on Visitation and Child Support Enforcement

Excellent discussion of co-parenting issues and guidelines.  As the Guide states, it is “For parents who do not live together, it is important to cooperate with each other for the benefit of the children. Children adjust more easily to crisis and loss if their parents work together to develop healthy ways of communicating, resolving problems, and reducing conflict. It is important for parents to remember that formation of a positive parent-child relationship is a life[1]long process. The key to a successful parent-child relationship is the quality of time, rather than the quantity of time, spent together.”

Social Science and Parenting Plans for Young Children: A Consensus Report by Dr. Richard A. Warshak (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center); Author of The Custody Revolution; Welcome Back, Pluto!;  Divorce Poison.

This document dispels the myths of parenting capabilities and examines the importance of overnight visitations for young children with non-custodial parents.

Preserving Family Ties, Guide to Understanding Divorce, Custody and Children (WestBow Press, 2018) by Dr. Mark Roseman

Written to provide traditional history of child custody litigation and present day context for appropriate decision making.  With references to the scholarly research across disciplines.

Contemporary Family Magazine, a quarterly journal offering global resources for effective co-parenting 

Our Family Wizard – court recommended electronic communications for effective co-parenting offering email documentation, visitation scheduling, guidance and webinar, Since 2001.

Second Chances – brochure explaining the ‘why’ and the ‘how’s of co-parenting offering lovely discussion, valuable tools and important opportunities to improve your relationship with the other parent.  Published by Multnomah County Family Court Services, Portland, Oregon.