Who We Are
The Toby Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides a unique package of services – all on sliding scale – to preserve family ties when parents choose to separate.™
What We Do
Each Toby Center provides wraparound therapy, supervised visitation, parenting courses, mediation and child custody services for families transitioning through separation and divorce. We are committed to help create co parenting arrangements to improve child outcomes. Center staff strive to reduce conflict between parents, provide coping skills to restore confidence, and multiple court ordered services to help families move forward more comfortably during their court procedures.

Our Vision for the Future
The Toby Center seeks to bring our mission nationally through regional Centers, affiliates and partnerships.
Our Philosophy
To validate your feelings as a parent when the courts redefine you as a custodial, or non custodial parent. Regardless of the nomenclature used in your district court, you have now entered a system which now focuses on you. It will carefully examine your ability to nurture your child, and requires you to specify how you will parent in conjunction with another parent or guardian. Toby Center staff understand this frustration. Let us help you deal with the many changes you, and your children, will now experience.
Our philosophy is based on the research of its founder, Dr. Mark Roseman, child custody expert, author and speaker. Dr. Roseman affirms the research that indeed, ‘we are all a village’. Says Dr. Roseman, “as the research shows that child custody determinations and orders may impact a child’s family up to 150 years – six generations – then we all have the responsibility as a community to improve child outcomes when parents separate. We need to understand that in most cases, anger will subside and give way to rational thought. So, too, will court decisions have more effectiveness when mediation and co-parenting are the resolution for high conflict that so often characterizes separation and divorce.”
Our Mission Statement
The mission of the Toby Center is to provide multiple services to parents journeying through separation and divorce in such a way as to reduce parent conflict and improve outcomes for children.
The Toby Center is a complete program of the many services separated and divorced parents and their children require including supervised visitation, therapy, family mediation and support. The Center is a uniquely holistic model addressing the individual’s emotional, psychological, and physical needs to maximize personal growth through personal understanding and willingness to adapt to what is often traumatic change.
Staff are compassionate, and skilled to offer family members more confidence as they adjust to current changes and transition through co-parenting and household adjustment.
It is found that when more services are available to clients, conflict is reduced, confidence is restored and clarity in one’s life can continue.
Services Provided
The Toby Center provides a unique array of services to assist families when journeying through marital change, and child custody litigation. We seek to accommodate an emotionally and physically safe environment for these court ordered services:
Click on a service to view a description and fee schedule.
- Supervised visitation
- Therapeutic supervised visitation
- Monitored Child Exchange
- Individual and family therapy
- Mediation and parent coordination
- Child reunification Therapy
- Florida State Mandated 4 Hour Parent Education Course
Service Locations
From its national office in Delray Beach, Florida, the Toby Center brings our array of services through many convenient locations in South and Central Florida. Locations are operated with the assistance of independent contractors, staff, affiliates and agency partnerships providing expertise, knowledge, and compassion. Through partnership with The Resolution Center of Jacksonville we deliver our services in metro Jacksonville. We continue to seek opportunities nationally to help families in court districts where children and parents can benefit from supportive, compassionate, and professional family services for separated and divorced parents. For this reason, we advocate that children should have many off site family experiences to provide a normalization of the parent-child relationship and the building of trust and reassurance which the courts wish for children.
For a full detailed list of our locations, click here.
Other Information
Click here for The Toby Center Brochure – (For Spanish language version, click here!)